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Ships free to Australia on orders over $100AUD & Nth America on orders over $200AUD
Hand tighten both arms into the Tee piece.
Note the location of the small port, align the arm to this location and tighten the lock nut. Complete the same process on the second arm.
The Head is designed to rotate clockwise, if it spins anti clockwise the head may undo from the spindle. The arms may be adjusted to throw water outward (standard), straight, or inward. if required just undo the locknut to adjust this feature, don't forget to lock up the nut.
Check condition of O ring seal, Screw the head into the body and tighten until the O ring is compressed. If o ring leaks the attempt to reset it or add thread tape to the tread.
Hang and test operation and direction of rotation before placing on the gutter.
If the arms stop spinning there may be a blockage in the sprinkler. Simply disassemble, flush out all parts to clear any debris and reassemble.
We recommend turning on the water to the DA once a month to ensure they are operating correctly . We recommend taking down the DA at the end of the fire season to prevent insects blocking orifices.
The Impact head has three adjustment.
Part or full Circle is adjusted at the base of the sprinkler head.
The water stream can be flattened or a fog pattern
The main issue reported is a blockage in the nozzle caused by debris in the hose. To clear remove the head from the body, then the nozzle and clean out any debris. If parts are stiff then use WD40 to lubricate and free up by hand, no tool should be used as may damage the mechanism's.
The main issue reported is a blockage in the nozzle caused by debris in the hose. To clear remove the head from the body, then the nozzle and clean out any debris. If parts are stiff then use WD40 to lubricate and free up by hand, no tool should be used as may damage the mechanism's.
Hand tighten both arms into the Tee piece.
Note the location of the small port, align the arm to this location and tighten the lock nut. Complete the same process on the second arm.
Using 13mm Open ended Spanner and 4mm Allen Key release tension on the grub screw. Tighten grub screw clockwise until it just tightens up, Note the location of Allen Key..
To achieve a uniform flow of water to all heads,
Use the Allen Key release tension on the grub screw 1/4 of a turn anti clockwise, note the location of Allen Key. Hold Allen key in position and tension lock nut. To achieve a full flow of water to all heads open 1/2 or more turns.
The arms may be adjusted to throw water outward (standard as pictured), straight, or inward. if required just undo the locknut to adjust this feature, don't forget to lock up the nut.
The Head is designed to rotate clockwise, if it spins anti clockwise the head may undo from the spindle. The arms may be adjusted to throw water outward (standard), straight, or inward. if required just undo the locknut to adjust this feature, don't forget to lock up the nut.
The flow control allows you to tune the speed of the heads rotation, at full flow the speed will be determined by the pressure loss through your system. We recommend installing heads every 6 Metres at a 45 degree angle to level ground. We generally run the tube along the last set of roof screws on metal roofing.
We use heavy duty PVC garden hose for most of our kits, the hose is durable and affordable. The spray from the sprinkler cools the outside and the water flow cools the inside of the hose protecting it from hot embers.
We also use the Australian Made "Crusader Sabre" percolating lay flat rot resistant canvas hoses for our kits and recommend this hose for fire nozzles as the hose weeps water to protect the hose from heat and flames, these hoses are used by the fire services.
The connectors you choose should be based on purpose and budget. We use Poly Camlocks as our go to as they are durable and offer value when compared to other options. Brass Garden connectors are common and allow the use of already purchased equipment. German made Forged Aluminium Storz connectors are used by Australian Fire Services for a reason, they are durable and the best choice for use in heavy conditions, they are the most expensive option that we offer.
The hose diameters most common in fire protection systems are 25/1" and 20/0.75", these are readily available and are easily deployed and aren't overly heavy to drag around.
We use and recommend 12/0.5" and 20/0.75 PVC Garden hose with our sprinklers as once set up there is little need to move them.
The volume and pressure of water required dictates the hose diameter. The longer lengths of hose should be larger diameter due to pressure loose by friction in the hose.
Your pump should have 3 to 4 outlet ports.
50/2", 40/1.5" or 25/1" are the common sizes.
Our range of adapters include a shut off valve to reduce or close off the water pressure to the nozzle/sprinkler if required.
we offer 25 Storz, 25 Camlock, 20 Camlock adapters
Our RTG System uses 20 Poly Camlocks.
The size of you hose is dictated by your fire nozzle inlet thread size or inlet connector.
The dial a jet nozzle can use 20/0.75" or 25/1" hose.
Minimum hose diameter, pump to splitter
Minimum hose diameter, splitter to sprinkler